About Us

West Greene Middle School was founded July 2020. Students from the Glenwood, McDonald, and Mosheim communities are zoned to our school. Currently we are located on the Mosheim School campus.

Vision Statement:

In an exemplary school the students will...
  • Practice safe behaviors.
  • Be responsible for their education.
  • Be respectful of classmates and staff members.
  • Utilize technology to enhance learning.
  • Achieve academically to the best of their ability.
In an exemplary school the teachers will model...
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • High standards for learning
  • Collaboration within our school community
  • Encouragement of student involvement
  • Use of student achievement data to guide instruction
  • Utilization of technology and available resources


At West Greene Middle School we are committed to…
  • Working together as a professional learning community to grow as educators and to successfully implement a standards-based middle-level program.
  • Making decisions based on what is best for all students.
  • Establishing partnerships with the home and community.
  • Utilizing resources to ensure that all students achieve at high levels.
  • Providing students with a variety of learning experiences that are academically challenging, developmentally appropriate, and personally relevant in order for students to make informed educational and personal decisions.
  • Implementing instructional programs that develop the whole child, intellectually and academically, personally and socially, physically, emotionally, and ethically.
  • Providing a successful transition from elementary grades to the middle grades to the high school grades and from childhood to adolescence.